
Restaurant Marketing Ideas For November

The leaves have turned, the weather is cooler, and November restaurant marketing ideas are plentiful if you look at the calendar.

Many fall favorites and holiday dishes are represented in November โ€“ and thereโ€™s a lot that can be done with the Thanksgiving Holiday. So now is a good time to modify your menus, fire up your social media accounts, and work to get your tables filled by promoting dishes on your menu in accordance with the calendar. Itโ€™s also an opportunity for professional food photography if you havenโ€™t done that already.

November is National Stuffing Month, National Fun with Fondue Month, and National Pepper Month, among a few others. Good news for pizza restaurants โ€“ National Pizza with the Works Day is November 12. For Italian restaurants, November 17 is National Homemade Bread Day.

November also brings good news for the coffee crowd. National Cappuccino Day, National Macchiato Day and National Espresso Day are all in November.

What can you do with the below information to promote your restaurant and increase revenues?

What Does November Hold for Restaurants?

November food

There a lot of dishes and foods celebrated for the whole of November. It is:

  • Banana Pudding Lovers Month
  • Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month
  • Greens and Plantains Month
  • Fun with Fondue Month
  • National Georgia Pecan Month
  • National Peanut Butter Loverโ€™s Month
  • National Pepper Month
  • National Pomegranate Month
  • National Raisin Bread Month
  • National Roasting Month
  • Spinach and Squash Month
  • Sweet Potato Awareness Month
  • Vegan Month

There is also National Fig Week which is celebrated on the very first week of the month.

As well as the foods and dishes above that are celebrated throughout November. Make note of the following:

November 1

  • National Calzone Day
  • National Deep Fried Clams Day

November 2

  • National Deviled Egg Day

November 3

  • National Sandwich Day
  • National Bison Day

November 4

  • National Candy Day

November 5

  • National Doughnut Day

November 6

  • National Nachos Day

November 8

  • National Cappuccino Day

November 10

  • National Vanilla Cupcake Day

November 11

  • National Sundae Day

November 12

  • National Pizza with the Works Except for Anchovies Day
  • National French Dip Day

November 13

  • National Indian Pudding Day

November 14

  • National Spicy Guacamole Day
  • National Pickle Day

November 15

  • National Raisin Bran Cereal Day

November 16

  • National Fast Food Day

November 17

  • National Baklava Day
  • National Homemade Bread Day

November 18

  • National Vichyssoise Day

November 19

  • National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day

November 20

  • National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

November 21

  • National Stuffing Day
  • National Gingerbread Cookie Day

November 22

  • National Cranberry Relish Day

November 23

  • National Cashew Day
  • National Eat a Cranberry Day
  • National Espresso Day

November 24

  • National Sardines Day

November 25

  • National Parfait Day

November 26

  • National Cake Day

November 27

  • National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

November 28

  • National French Toast Day

November 30

  • National Mousse Day

3 Restaurant Marketing Ideas for November

What foods and dishes from the above list do you serve? Looking at the national days for this month, what November restaurant marketing ideas can you implement to get more traffic through your doors? Here are three ideas to get you started.

vegan food

Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month

Do you want to attract a new cross-section of customers? Those on a gluten-free diet are always looking for a restaurant that offers them a delicious menu they can try regularly. So this month could be a huge opportunity for your restaurant to grab a bucket load of loyal new customers. Even if you are a restaurant that typically doesn’t offer much for those on a gluten-free diet, like a pizzeria, you can still make at least one dish that is gluten-free. If anything, the more unusual it is for your restaurant to have a gluten-free dish, the more powerful your marketing campaign will be.


Although it’s not food-related, Movember could be a huge winner for your restaurant. It’s a massive international campaign and as a restaurant, you have a great chance to do your bit. Why not offer free or heavily discounted meals for anyone taking on the challenge. You could even donate a portion of your restaurant’s profits to this worthy cause!

Vegan Month

Just like with the gluten-free example above, the fact that November is Vegan Month offers another huge opportunity for your restaurant to attract new customers. You may already have several vegan-friendly dishes on your menu. If so, make sure that you promote them heavily on social media and even on your menus. If you don’t have one, why not create a brand new vegan dish to treat your customers with.

Taking advantage of the calendar gives you additional opportunities to promote your restaurant and your food. Make sure that you are doing everything you can to take advantage.

Want to take a look at some previous months for marketing ideas? Check out our September restaurant marketing ideas, and October restaurant marketing ideas.

What are you going to do to market your restaurant this month? Share this post and let us know what worked for you.

Next Steps:

  1. Subscribe for our newsletter to stay updated on the latest restaurant marketing trends and tips.
  2. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with one of our marketing experts to develop a customized marketing strategy for your restaurant.


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